School Story
My most funniest an enjoyable time in high school was first. Art class. Coach Jordan was the teacher,,, And every Friday,,,, I was LUCKY ENOUGH to be the one that drew and painted the football banner ,,,that the players WOULD BUST through ON THE FEILD AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY HOME GAME!!!!!
I have my medical marijuana card now ,,,, but back in those days ,,I remember A day that stood out for sure....Coach Jordan Called Me Into His Office and Said,,
“Amy,,,Will you please start smoking so much pot before school because you reek of marijuana!!”” Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha,,,,That is one very memorable day but I had the best time in all of my classes and every day,,,That is one very memorable day but I had the best time in all of my classes and every dayOnly in 12th grade is when I would act like I was in DCT ( The lucky ones that had a job and could leave after lunch ) so from time to time ,,, I would skip school and leave at lunch like the DCT people were allowed to do, !!! so I took it upon myself to do the same!!!! But
Luckily ,,,by the grace of God ,,,,I never got caught!!!!! 2-2 Funny ❤️